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Berry Powder

Berry Powder


  • Dehydrate: 135℉
  • Prep: 15 mins
  • Dehydrate: 11 hrs


2 Cups of Blueberries

2 Cups of Strawberries

2 Cups of Raspberries

2 Cups of Blackberries

1/3 Cup of Water


1. Wash all berries well.

2. Boil blueberries for 15-30 seconds.

3. Pat blueberries dry.

4. Prep strawberries-cut stems and slice in half.

5. Prep blackberries and raspberries-cut in half.

6. Lay all berries on separate trays.

7. Dry at 135° F for 7-15 hours or until very dry and brittle.

8. Remove from dehydrator and cool completely.

9. Combine all berries into a high speed blender or coffee grinder until fine powder.

10. Use a fine mesh strainer and sift powder through it.

11. Run any remaining larger pieces through blender again.

12. Store powder in an airtight container.



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